
Teaching and learning


Intended Curriculum

At Mackenzie Primary, we plan, teach, assess and report on the:

Australian Curriculum

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Science (HASS)
  • The Arts
  • Health and Physical Education (HPE)
  • Technologies
  • Languages: French

A number of specialist teachers provide lessons in the areas of:

  • Physical Education
  • LOTE - Languages Other Than English
  • (French) from Prep to Year 6
  • The Arts Program (Music) for Years P-6

Resource and Information Specialist

Our teachers engage in a planning process every term to develop a shared understanding of the alignment between the curriculum intent, assessment, teaching and learning sequence, and reporting.

Assessment and Monitoring

At Mackenzie State School, our teachers use a variety of standardised and diagnostic assessments to diagnose learning needs, determine achievement and inform teaching. Assessment is consistent across year levels and is front-ended at the beginning of a unit of work. Students are assessed throughout and at the end of a unit of work to determine their overall understanding. Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in NAPLAN (National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy).

Sequencing Teaching and Learning

Our whole school Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Plan ensures a cohesive progression and sequence of learning. Our students are exposed to a wide variety of learning opportunities through each of the learning areas across all year levels. We also provide many opportunities for students to be involved in a range of additional curriculum offerings.

Making Judgements

Our teachers work in year level teams to ensure consistency of expectations. Consistent teaching and learning practices are defined through our Pedagogical Framework. We prioritise teacher professional development to ensure best practice and improved outcomes for all students. Student assessment pieces and portfolios are moderated across year levels and across the City Cluster to ensure consistency of assessment and judgements.

Quality Feedback Processes - Reporting

Written report cards are issued twice yearly, using a five point scale to report student achievement. Parent teacher interviews are offered twice yearly. A variety of assessment pieces are used to demonstrate student learning and inform end of semester reporting. Reporting on student learning reflects the content of what has been taught and assessed in class.

Our report comments reflect:

  • the content and achievement standards of the Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, HASS, The Arts, Technologies, Languages and HPE

Teachers provide feedback to students both formally and informally through a variety of modes, including; conferencing, written feedback and verbal feedback.

Information Communication Technology

Students and teachers at Mackenzie Primary have access to a range of information, communication technologies including; laptop banks, iPads, and a range of other devices and software. Teachers and students use information, communication technologies to inquire, communicate and create.

Last reviewed 17 November 2020
Last updated 17 November 2020